Shark Girl by Kelly Bingham
Written in free verse, Bingham tells the story of Jane Arrowood, better known as "Shark Girl". She got that nickname because of a shark attack that left her with a prosthetic arm. She is popular, truly talented and artistic, but all that is lost on that sunny day in California. Sometimes jane wishes that she just would have not survived that shark attack. She feels extremely sorry for herself not being able to feel the same as she would with her real arm. She struggles to survive and learn to love again. There are plenty of metaphors making this novel a nit more visual and authentic. Any young adult can identify with this novel of loss of self and how to regain that loss. I love this book because again it deals with the young adults I communicate with on a daily basis. It is a life lessom for anyone who can't seem to find thier true selves in this cruel yet natural world.
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